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6 Easy Ways to Wake Up Your Web Presence


Just like we do from time to time, your web presence can get groggy or stale. Don’t worry, it’s not your fault; there’s new content continually being pushed out to the web and newer/better ways to gain digital attention, and it can be challenging to keep up with it. This means it’s up to you to stay on your toes and always strive to revive your web presence.

It’s never too late to “re-energize” your digital marketing efforts. Give your web presence a jolt of digital caffeine with these six tips.

Audit Your Web Pages

Start this process by taking a good, hard look at your website (specifically the homepage) and see if it’s meeting answering these questions:

  • Who are you?
  • What products/services do you offer?
  • What should the visitor do on this website?
  • What questions does this website answer?
  • What’s different about your business within your industry and why should your visitors choose to do business with you?

You cannot expect your website visitors to know exactly where to look to find the necessary information they’re searching for. That’s why it’s important to showcase the main areas your visitors want to see on the homepage and add calls-to-action to encourage them to learn more about you through your website.

Make Sure Everything is Mobile First

Google and users have made it no secret how vital our mobile devices have become. To meet Google’s new mobile-first index and improve your digital presence, make sure every digital asset and marketing effort, from your website to your emails, are mobile responsive and designed for these devices. Your visitors will be happy for the seamless mobile user experience, and Google will give you a boost. It’s indeed a digital win-win!

Use Tools to Better the User Experience

Let’s face it; your website visitors will leave your site when they cannot successfully find what they’re looking for. Luckily, there are plenty of tools you can utilize to discover how visitors are using your website and where you can improve the user experience.

Google Analytics, heat maps, and customer surveys are all great options to help you understand your website through your audience’s eyes. These tools will allow you to improve the user experience for website visitors and guide them to becoming customers.

Rework Your Website’s Content

Reworking your website content should always be a conscious effort because your regular website visitors will take notice when your content goes stale. You don’t need to refresh your website’s content every week, or even every month, but you should aim to rework it once every six to eight months or so to make sure it’s still in line with your goals and objectives.

On top of reviving your website’s content, it’s also wise to refresh your site’s images, videos, and information about upcoming events or promotions.

Write Blogs Often

We cannot stress the importance of blogging; not just for SEO reasons, but for keeping your digital presence new and fresh. Google will index more of your pages with regular blogging, and you’ll build your digital reputation as an industry expert. Depending on your business and audience, blogging daily may be excessive, but aim to do it at least twice a month. Once you find a good rhythm and topics to blog about, you can easily increase your amount.

Take to Social Media

Over 80% of Americans have a least one social media profile, which means this is a great outlet to reach your audience and remind them of your business. It also means that they’re ready to share your content with their friends and family, so share your new content as well as related content that your followers would be interested in.

Undoubtedly, video content is one of the most consumed and shared forms of content on social. If you have original video content to share, this is the best place to share it. Also, a substantial majority of people spend their social media time on their mobile devices. Going back to our point earlier in this post, make sure whatever you post on your social pages will look great on mobile too.

Rise and shine, it’s time to make your web presence known to the world!

If you have any questions about refreshing your digital presence, give us a shout and let’s grab some coffee!

About the Author

Brooke Desmond

Communications Manager
With a passion for all things digital marketing, Brooke aims to give a unique perspective on the latest trends and ideas in this ever-changing space.

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