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GreenMellen Core Value: We Share Our Expertise


Like most businesses, we have a set of core values at GreenMellen. These values are the motivation behind our work and the guiding principles for our agency decisions.

Our five core values are:

  • We are always improving.
  • We are responsive.
  • We do the right thing.
  • We share our expertise.
  • We think outside the box.

To better understand these values, we thought we’d unpack each one of these principles. Let’s start with: “We share our expertise.” Why do we share our expertise? Who do we share it with? What expertise do we share and how?

Why we share our expertise

Digital marketing is constantly changing—so continuing education and professional development is important to keep up. But not every business leader has the time to attend marketing conferences or read the latest industry books.

They’d be better off with a single, trusted source of information on digital marketing. And that’s exactly what we try to be for our clients and followers. We absorb all of the latest innovations and trends in order to understand them, put them into practice, and share them with others.

We do this for a few reasons. In part, because this establishes GreenMellen as a thought leader in the digital marketing space. When people come to trust our advice, they’re more likely to do business with us. And you can do the same in whatever industry you’re in.

More importantly, we do this so that businesses will use digital marketing more effectively. Our mission is to build a brighter web, and that only happens when marketers and business leaders are able and willing to be more ethical online.

Who we share our expertise with

GreenMellen is open to sharing our knowledge and experience with anyone willing to listen and learn—that includes you! But because we’re marketers, we also have a target audience in mind.

Our ideal audience is small business leaders or overworked marketing professionals. They understand the importance of digital marketing, but don’t have the time to execute it themselves. They’re looking for an expert who they can trust to guide them in the right direction.

We focus on this key audience because they have the biggest chance to make an impact on how their business does marketing. 

What expertise we share

Digital marketing is a wide and diverse industry—it covers quite a number of topics. Therefore, we have to have a wide understanding in order to be seen as industry experts. Here are just a few topics that we constantly seek to learn more about:

  • Web design and development
  • Content marketing
  • Messaging and branding
  • Search engine optimization
  • Website accessibility
  • Website maintenance
  • User research and behavior
  • Social media management
  • Data analytics and reporting
  • Digital marketing tools
  • Email marketing and automation
  • Paid digital advertising
  • Online reputation management
  • Lead generation and nurturing

This list represents just a fraction of the many topics within the realm of digital marketing. We acknowledge that we can never be an expert in every area. So we focus on these themes and adjust accordingly when needed. 

How we share our expertise

A free monthly meetup

GreenMellen started hosting a free monthly meetup back in 2012. This started out as in-person events, but has since shifted to online meetings. These meetups take place on the second Thursday of every month and typically last about an hour.

Monthly email newsletter

Every month, we send out an email newsletter to our list, because email is one of the most underrated marketing channels. This newsletter contains a mix of blog posts, marketing tips, project highlights, and more. This newsletter is also our chance to test out new strategies and ideas that we can use with our clients.

This blog

Blogging is not just an effective way to improve your website SEO—it’s also a great means of building customer loyalty and thought leadership. We publish on our Brilliance Blog a few times every month, focusing on topics that are relevant to what we’re currently working on. These posts work as in-depth FAQs to address the top questions and concerns of our clients.

Our podcast

The Brighter Web podcast has gone through many different variations over the years. We recently re-launched the show in a short-form conversational format. The goal is to deliver immediate, practical advice on a focused digital marketing topic for people who enjoy podcasts.

Social media

Because we manage social media for many of our clients, it helps for us to have first-hand experience managing our own social platforms. We’re present on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn, Pinterest, and YouTube. You can follow us no matter what your social preference is.  

Client consulting

Above all, we strive to provide our marketing clients with outstanding customer service and expert advice. They come to us with all manner of questions and we do our part to provide helpful guidance. Our clients can always benefit from the free tips we dole out on these public channels, but they also benefit from our personalized consulting for their unique situation.

What expertise can we share with you?

Do you need help with digital marketing? Where do you find yourself lost and confused? Every business can benefit from an expert to provide an outside perspective and helping hand. Check out our public marketing advice, or reach out to us with specific questions on how we can help.

About the Author

Robert Carnes

Marketing Manager

Robert Carnes is a freelance writer, published author, and professional marketer. His book, The Story Cycle, is your business's guide to becoming a better marketer. Robert lives in Atlanta and you can follow him on social media @jamrobcar.

View Robert's Profile

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