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4 Goals for Seamless Website User Experience


When we design and build websites for our clients, the website user experience (UX) serves as our guide throughout the whole process. No matter what industry our clients are in, their websites often share the same goals with it comes to UX. These are the common goals they share and help us find the right direction for seamless UX.

Goal #1: Give Users What They Need

All websites need to be designed with humans in mind and directly give users what they need, and usually, this is achieved by answering their main questions. Is this company relevant to my needs? How do they accomplish this? What do I need to do to get started? Make sure the user experience addresses these needs, both known and unknown, and knowing your audience’s characteristics will be a significant driver to achieve this.

Goal #2: Don’t Make Your Users Think

Simplicity is another important value we take into consideration with our websites, as we want the user experience to be nothing short of simple. You don’t want your users to overthink what they need to do on your website; let the primary calls-to-action stand out and remove any unnecessary elements to eliminate clutter.

Goal #3: Make the UX Captivating

Your website needs to stand out against your competitors, so give a captivating, enjoyable experience on your website. This can be accomplished by providing users the right thing at the right time. For example, there are pop-ups you can add to your website that detect when someone is leaving your site. Once the cursor goes off the website, a pop up could appear with a “10% Off” coupon with a discount code. This may entice people to stay on your site longer to browse your items.

Goal #4: Make Your Users Your Brand Promoters

Your loyal customers serve as your most significant brand promoters, and you can plant the seed to convert users to these promoters through your site’s UX. Allow your customers to share your products or blogs via social media by including social sharing options on your pages. Hold social promotion contests for discounts. Have a feed of customers using your products or highlight them through a case study. Any way you can praise your users or give them the chance to praise you is a UX win!

User experience goals like these will ensure your website is designed and built with your user’s intent and goals in mind, which will lead to a much more successful website!

To learn more about UX or website goals, contact the GreenMellen team!

About the Author

Brooke Desmond

Communications Manager
With a passion for all things digital marketing, Brooke aims to give a unique perspective on the latest trends and ideas in this ever-changing space.

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