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How to Retain Loyal Customers for Your Brand


While gaining a new customer is great for any business, retaining a loyal customer is an achievement worth noting. If your business can keep customers coming back to you, it will almost always result in a greater ROI and make these customers more than just a customer, but a brand advocate. Big brands like Starbucks, Apple and Target keep their loyal customers engaged by executing a retention strategy, and it’s their success that should be used for your customer loyalty inspiration.

If your business is looking to retain more loyal customers, keep these retention strategy points in mind and start building your loyal customer base today!

Start with a Mission

Often times, a business’s brand can inspire loyalty simply through what they stand for. Nowadays, consumers are more adamant than ever to get to know a brand before doing business with them, and it’s up to you to position your brand around a powerful message. If your brand stands for something that your audience cares about, they will more than likely come back to stand with you time and time again.

Give Your Customers Convenience

It’s really quite simple: The more accessible your products and services are for your customers, the better. Take some time to discover their desires/behaviors and build seamless programs and systems that encourage them to come back. An example of this would be an app to reorder previously purchased items or to shop new inventory.

Communicate with Them Through Social

Everyone loves a personalized experience, especially when it comes to customer service. Social media has allowed brands to showcase their personality with individual customers, and if your audience is active on these channels this is a great place to communicate. Encourage them to interact with your brand through these channels and make each message personal to each user, not from “scripted” responses.

Differentiate Yourself from Competitors

If there’s one way to build a loyal customer base, it is to prove you’re different from other businesses in your space and you chose to be different for a reason. By staying true to who you are as a brand and showing how you’re unique, it will show strong integrity and attract customers to becoming a brand advocate.

Try Your Hand at Experimental Marketing

Experiential marketing, also known as event marketing, has been used by brands to create positive experiences with their customers. If your business can find ways to tap into the hype around a local or global event by offering memorable experiences, this is a great way to tie positivity with your brand which could lead to more loyal customers.

What it all comes down to is your brand’s ability to be “human,” interactive, open and positive with your audience. If you can achieve this, you’ll build a strong customer base of loyal followers that will choose your brand above others.

To learn more about brand loyalty, contact GreenMellen Media today!

About the Author

Brooke Desmond

Communications Manager
With a passion for all things digital marketing, Brooke aims to give a unique perspective on the latest trends and ideas in this ever-changing space.

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