Buzz, buzz, buzz. It’s not a bee, but it’s equally as distracting—it’s another digital notification that’s pulling you away from your other priorities. Dealing with digital distractions is a daily dedication, but one we all must definitely deal with.
Show Notes
What are digital distractions?
- Pings
- Rings
- Beeps
- Buzzes
- The constant stream of notifications that break our concentration
What are some examples?
- Email notifications
- Slack pings
- Text messages
- Phone calls
- Status updates
- Social media notifications
- App badges
- News alerts
- Amber alerts
Why are these problematic?
- They break our focus and keep us in shallow work
- People can’t really multi-task like we think we can
- It keeps us pulled toward the urgent rather than the important
- They’re major time wasters
When should we be wary of distractions?
- During meetings
- During important work blocks
- Before bed
- During meal times
- When spending time with people who matter
Why does this matter in marketing?
- Because we’re competing for people’s attention with these distractions
- Because often these distractions are also marketing messages
How do we deal with digital distractions?
- Go on Focus mode (in a Mac)
- Turn off certain notifications
- Schedule time to check email and social accounts
- Set up timers for certain time-wasting apps
- Leave your phone in another room
- Take regular tech-free breaks during the day
- reMarkable, Kindle Scribe, clarity breaks
- Keep a “mind like water” so you can clear your head a bit more