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Remote Working Tips to Boost Productivity


Last week, many businesses had to make the hard decision to shift their daily operations from their offices to their homes. While remote working has become increasingly popular in recent years, many business professionals across the globe are experiencing the nuances of remote working for the first time due to the COVID-19 crisis.

At GreenMellen, we’ve been practicing remote working for over five years and have learned a few lessons on how we can make sure our workdays are just as productive as our in-office days. Here are our top tips for remote working to boost your productivity.

Keep a Routine

Humans are creatures of habit, and keeping a routine during your workday will not only manage your productivity, but it will also set you up for success. Time blocking is a great way to practice this; by blocking your calendar with work sessions, meetings and breaks, it will allow you to prioritize your workload and stay on track. For example, you could block Monday and Friday mornings for internal planning and block Tuesday afternoons with meetings with your team on project statuses or one-on-ones.

Make Daily Lists

No matter where you work, lists are always a great tool. If you’re feeling overwhelmed by your workload and these new changes to your workday, start each day by making a list of your need-to-do tasks. This will help you streamline your workflow and set a plan of action for your day.

Create a Designated Work Area

When someone isn’t used to working from home, their first “home office” becomes their couch, which we would not recommend. It’s a good idea to separate yourself from the space you use for relaxation and unwinding, so this part of your home stays “tranquil” after working for the day.

We’d recommend creating a designated workspace in a room where there are no distractions or possible interruptions. If you cannot dedicate a room for this, your dining room table is a perfect place to start.

Take Breaks

Just because you now have the luxury of working from your home doesn’t mean you have to deprive yourself of breaks. One of our favorite reasons we love working from home is the fact we can stay productive within our homes when we take breaks. These activities include unloading the dishwasher, folding laundry, getting the mail, or meal prepping for dinner. By taking breaks and dedicating them to completing a “chore” in your home, you will feel much more productive and accomplished.

Schedule Video Meetings with Your Team

Social distancing has been a hard concept to appreciate and accept, especially for those who live alone and are used to coming into an office for socialization. To avoid feeling isolated, schedule a recurring meeting with your team at least once a week. This meeting can be used to celebrate highlights, talk through any bottlenecks, or even used as a virtual happy hour. Your team must stick together as much as possible during this time, and this can be a great reminder for your team that you’re all in this together.

Use the Best Tools

It’s overwhelming how many tools are out there right now for your remote working needs, but it doesn’t have to be daunting to find the best tools. Luckily, as remote working professionals, we know the best tools for businesses and can help create a custom list of resources to use for you. You can sign up for a free consultation today.

Working remotely doesn’t have to be an excuse for not being productive. Set yourself up for success and work from home like a champ!

The team at GreenMellen is here to help you with any transition you need. Whether that be remote working or adding the necessary communications to your website, we’re here to ensure your business can keep moving forward. We wish you, your employees, and your families good health during this time!

About the Author

Brooke Desmond

Communications Manager
With a passion for all things digital marketing, Brooke aims to give a unique perspective on the latest trends and ideas in this ever-changing space.

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