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November 11, 2021


9 minutes

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Boost Your Content Marketing with a Content Calendar

Creating quality content is one of the best things you can do to get noticed online. However, keeping up with all of the blog posts, podcast episodes, webinar videos, and email newsletters can be daunting. Using a content calendar makes that task easier and more manageable for even the busiest marketer.

On this episode of the podcast, we’re examining a tool every digital marketer should use: a content calendar.

6 reasons to use a content calendar

  1. Manage more content. Don’t try to juggle everything manually.
  2. Be more intentional about content. Be proactive, not reactive.
  3. See how content works together. Align your strategy over multiple channels.
  4. Get the timing right. Manage time, date, and cadence.
  5. Stay consistent. Avoid those content dead spaces.
  6. Give yourself more margin. Prevent yourself from burning out.

Ultimately, the content calendar is meant to help you out. It can be your marketing best friend if you’re willing to give it a chance.

What can you use a content calendar for?

Having something is better than nothing. That said, we love our tools so what are some you can use to build a content calendar?

Content Calendar Tools

Information to include

  • Titles: headlines & subject lines
  • Dates: when is the content being shared?
  • Audience: who are you targeting with the content?
  • Status: where is it in the process of creation?
  • Links: provide live links to where the content lives online
  • Meta Data: tags, categories, ect.
  • Stats: blog post views, engagement, downloads, etc.
  • Leave yourself a space for notes or comments

Advanced tips for using content calendars

  • Keep it all organized; make sure that it stays updates
  • Collaborate with your team
  • Automate where possible: more for Notion and PM systems
  • Use content buckets for ideation