Logo Design Kickoff Logo Design Kickoff Name First Last Business/Brand Name*Email If you have an existing logo, how closely would you like your new logo to resemble the current look and feel? This is an important factor to consider for brand recognition.Exactly how would you like your name to appear in the designs? Do you have a slogan or tagline you will use, when appropriate, with your logo?Describe the business and what you provide. What is it that makes your company unique? How are you different from others in your industry?How is your organization currently perceived? How do you want to be perceived? What do you feel is the biggest challenge getting this image across to customers?What visual symbols and icons best represent your company. Also, come up with a list of adjectives and/or visual words that describe the mission of your organization.Have you seen other logos that resonate with you? Please include links or files to that inspiration below.FileMax. file size: 300 MB.Are there colors that you either like or dislike? When you think about the vision of your company. What colors come to mind?Include links to the websites of major players and competitors in your industry below so we can ensure your brand is set apart from the others.Where will your logo ultimately be used? Some examples are t-shirts, business cards, hats, etc. 42141