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Common Digital Marketing Truths Debunked


As marketing professionals, we’ve come to learn that there are plenty of false marketing “facts” being thrown around the industry that too many people believe. While some have been true at one point in time, they can quickly become outdated because of the fast pace this industry experiences.

No matter if you’ve heard these truths before or not, here are some of the most common marketing facts debunked by us!

“Focus on Your Websites Visuals More Than Content.”

As a copywriter, I am shocked that this rumor is even going around. I and the rest of the content marketers out there have said this more times than I could count on one hand, but CONTENT IS EVERYTHING.

Putting design before content makes no sense because people read content. Sure, they may not read every single word and will scan your website, but if your content can capture their attention, they will look closer at the words.

In short, content should be the first focus when it comes to your website. You can learn more about why here.

“Email Marketing is Dying.”

If you were to search “email marketing” in Google, there are plenty of articles insinuating that email marketing is an old tactic to convert your leads into customers. However, email marketing is still the most cost-effective tactic in digital marketing.

According to a recent study from Email on Acid, more than 86% of businesses surveyed indicate that they plan to increase their upcoming email marketing budgets. We’ll agree that methods for communication to your audience are changing, which social media being an easier channel to reach them, email still produces the highest ROI out of all other digital channels.

While it may seem like your audience is annoyed with their cluttered inbox of promotional emails, they are, in fact, reading them and taking advantage of their offers.

“Inbound Marketing Success is Measured by the Number of Followers.”

This statement could not be more wrong. First off, the term “follower” is such a broad term; it could include leads, vendors, industry trendsetters and everything in between. Social media platforms also only capture a small percentage of your followers, so to say success is only measured by the quantity of them is absurd to say. There are many different ways to measure your inbound marketing success, and while followers can be a factor for it, it should not be the sole measurement.

“Getting the First Google Ranking in a Search is Permanent.”

Congrats! You made it to the top organic ranking on a search engine results page (SERPs)! Now, you can just sit back and watch all the traffic roll in without a worry, right? WRONG.

SEO is an ongoing effort; it is not a set-it-and-forget-it tactic. In fact, in one of our recent posts, we discuss why it’s important to stay on your toes when it comes to SEO. You’ll see from these points alone why this statement is so false and so wrong.

Can you think of any other conventional marketing truths that are far from true? We’d love to hear from you in the comments!

If you have questions about any of these common myths, reach out to us, and we’d be happy to discuss!

About the Author

Brooke Desmond

Communications Manager
With a passion for all things digital marketing, Brooke aims to give a unique perspective on the latest trends and ideas in this ever-changing space.

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