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SEO Best Practices You Should Do No Matter What


Organic SEO has quickly become a necessity for businesses who want to be competitive online, yet search engines like Google make this even more challenging by being quiet about their algorithm updates. Mickey covers a lot of them over on the DigitalCast podcast, but Google simply doesn’t say anything about many of them. No matter how significant these changes are, there’s still a list of SEO best practices you should always apply to your website.

Take a look at the top tasks you need to perform for your SEO efforts, no matter what!

Include Image Alt Text

Google has confirmed that images on your website should have alt text if you want to boost your rankings. This is because search engines read this text to determine what images are showing and what searches they’re relevant for. No matter what, always add alt text to your images so search engines can recognize them.

Write Valuable Content

All algorithm updates search engines undergo is for the benefit of the searcher. They want to give results that are full of valuable, authoritative, and relevant content that will answer their questions. Because of this, your content needs to meet both user and search engine expectations. Make sure every piece of content you create is easy to consume, provides clear takeaways, and purposeful.

Use LSI Keywords

Latent Semantic Indexing (LSI) keywords are keywords and phrases that are closely related to the main keywords you use to optimize pages. While they don’t directly impact your rankings, they can help search engines better understand what your content is about. They will also help you get rankings for those relevant search terms and make your content sound more conversational (rather than keyword stuffing tactics that will hurt your SEO efforts).


In July 2018, the Chrome 68 update starting “calling out” any website without HTTPS/SSL encryption (with the green padlock by their website address) by marking them as “not secure.” Google experts have admitted that HTTPS is a small ranking factor for sites, and any little effort you can add to your website as a whole for SEO benefits is worth doing. If you do not have SSL added to your site, it’s well worth it for both the security and SEO benefits of it. Here’s our post all about SSL and how to add it to your website.

Managing strong SEO is definitely a balancing act, but if you can keep search engines happy with these tactics, you will see the long-term benefits no matter what algorithm changes arise.

To learn more about SEO, contact us today!

About the Author

Brooke Desmond

Communications Manager
With a passion for all things digital marketing, Brooke aims to give a unique perspective on the latest trends and ideas in this ever-changing space.

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