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Top 3 Reasons Why SEO Happens First


There is no room for afterthoughts when it comes to your digital marketing efforts. This is particularly the case with SEO, and too many marketers still bring it in toward the end of a project. Today, this approach is very ineffective and will not improve your project’s rankings in the slightest.

As we all know, modern SEO tactics and keyword research gives your digital content a better chance to be seen. If you wait until the end to implement it, you’re wasting your time and efforts. To fully utilize its benefits, SEO needs to be a part of your project’s planning and execution from the beginning.

Learn more about the top three reasons why SEO needs to be in the early stages of any digital marketing project.

SEO Defines Your Content

At GreenMellen, when a client is in need of organic SEO services, we perform this early on in the project to help guide us on the user intent and what kind of content we need to write. In fact, this is the first copywriting service we offer with any project we take on. It’s because our discoveries for keywords will help us decide which pages need to be targeted with specific keywords and the content that will live on these pages.

No matter if you’re writing a blog, building a website, managing a PPC campaign or developing any marketing strategy, keyword research will help you define the flow of your content. It will also reveal key takeaways including the type of information needed, where the reader is in the buying journey, and which audience you’re addressing.

SERP Analysis Will Give You Rich Insight

A search engine results page (SERP) is the page displayed by a search engine in response to a query by a searcher. SERP analysis help understands Google’s preferences, and to know why pages are getting higher rankings you need to decipher which factors are a priority for your content. No industry is going to have the same ranking factors, but if you take the time to analyze the first page of results you can create a unique list for your benefit.

When you identify these top ranking factors, it allows you to determine the key factors that can help you develop the best material possible.

Most Searches Start With Keywords

Think about it: Nowadays, most research begins with a simple keyword or phrase. Marketers and businesses should think the same way when it comes to their content.

Content that’s rich in SEO value is inspired from questions and needs that are being asked through search engines. The strongest content strategies naturally start with keyword research so it can give insight into what their audiences need. In short, the content that will answer their needs and questions the most effectively will win the SEO game.

So, there you have it! We hope our top three reasons for performing keyword research and SEO tactics at the beginning of the project will sway you to be more SEO cognitive going forward.

To learn more about SEO tactics, contact GreenMellen today!

About the Author

Brooke Desmond

Communications Manager
With a passion for all things digital marketing, Brooke aims to give a unique perspective on the latest trends and ideas in this ever-changing space.

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