If you suffer from email overload, you need to be using Gmail (or Google Apps for your business). There are simply too many awesome tools in there that you can’t find anywhere else, such as:
- Priority Inbox
- Send & Archive
- “Auto-Resurrection”
I’m a big believer in inbox zero, and Gmail offers many great ways to help with that. Now Google has just released a new tool called “Smart Labels” to help smooth things out even more.
If you’re a power user and already have a variety of filters and labels set up, this won’t help much. However, this could be of great benefit to everyone else.
This new feature creates three new labels for you — Bulk, Notifications and Forums — and automatically applies them to emails as they arrive in your inbox.
Bulk items are things like mailing lists, promotional emails, etc.
Notifications are emails from Facebook, Twitter, etc.
Forums are any emails from message boards that you follow.
The “bulk” items are immediately moved out of your inbox, so you need to be sure to click the label on the side from time to time to see what’s in there. The others aren’t moved automatically, though they probably should be.