Today, WordPress 4.6 was released! You can download it here and update your website, but first learn the highlights and new features of 4.6!
Shiny Updates
Before 4.6, you would usually see a progress screen when they would install or update a plugin or theme. As the theme or plugin would be loaded, you and your users would be redirected to a progress screen, which would be somewhat distracting. This WordPress update has simplified this process and now has “shiny updates,” which means you can now update or install plugins and themes without being redirected to another screen.
System Fonts in Admin Pages
When WordPress implemented Open Sans in the admin area to provide a cohesive look on different devices and platforms, they had to rely on a third-party resource. This lead to increased page load times and, ultimately, affected the speed for admin pages. With WordPress 4.6, the admin pages will go back to using the system fonts to increase the speed for admin pages. Keep in mind, this means your admin pages may change on different platforms.
Enhanced Autosave Feature
WordPress 4.6 brings big improvements to its autosave feature. If you or your users disabled revisions in 4.5 and older, it would affect your restored posts from the autosave feature. This WordPress update fixes this issue, and now you may restore posts from both autosave and browser backups, even if revisions are disabled.
Now Showing Broken Links
If you like to use WordPress’s visual editor to create posts, now all broken URLs will be highlighted. As soon as you add a link to the post, WordPress will make sure this link is valid. If the link is invalid, the link will be red, instead of blue, when you hover your cursor over it.
We’re very excited to utilize these new features on our clients’ websites going forward! Which updates are you the most excited about?
To learn more about WordPress 4.6 or WordPress websites in general, contact GreenMellen Media today!