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4 Digital Marketing Influences That Drive eCommerce Sales


The online marketing space is competitive, to say the least, and eCommerce businesses are all fighting to secure a top-ranking spot on Google for maximum online exposure. An eCommerce business’s success is measured by the amount of generated and converted leads, which is why these businesses execute digital marketing strategies to better reach their audience, increase their online traffic and drive more sales.

Gone are the days when simply having a website was enough to get the online visibility desired. If you want your eCommerce website to thrive in today’s digital world, your digital marketing efforts need to be top-notch and pave a clear path toward converting a lead into a customer.

Below are four digital marketing factors that encourage your leads to purchase from your eCommerce website and become loyal customers for life.

Mobile-Friendly Website

The people have spoken, Google has spoken, and it’s the number one way your eCommerce website is missing out on sales. Online searches on mobile devices surpass desktop searches, so your eCommerce website needs to appeal to the people’s preferences.

A mobile-responsive website is a must for website success, but luckily this requirement brings several advantages for businesses. By targeting mobile audiences, you can yield outstanding results for your business, customize your content for mobile visitors (see below), and create a call-to-action button to drive engagement with your potential buyers.

Content for a Mobile Audience

To capture the attention of potential buyers on your site, your website’s content needs to smart and tailored to the mobile audience. The content’s focus should be more on the products/services you offer and the benefits that your customers would receive with them.

Don’t write pages and pages of content showing your company’s history and all the success it’s experienced; while it’s awesome to show how much you’ve accomplished, your content needs to highlight the information that matters to your visitors.

Flexible Pricing

While marketing isn’t the same as what it was 20 years ago, price is still the most decisive factor for potential buyers. The reality today is that consumers will do plenty of research on your business and competitors before they make a decision who to buy from. Because of this, aim to give your prospects an offer they can’t refuse.

Some things to keep in mind while doing this:

  • If your price is substantially lower than your competitors, people may believe you’re compromising your product’s/service’s quality.
  • If your prices are higher than your competitors, consumers will look to do business with those who offer the same product/service for less.

It’s a vicious cycle, but there is a way around it. While you set the price for your products/services, get to know your audience and competitor offerings. Then, supply the consumer with reasons why it’s priced where it is and persuade them to consider your product/service. Ideally, your goal is to drive them to see the value your offerings provide, no matter the cost.

Coupons and Discounts

Build brand loyalty from the start by offering your potential customers coupons or discounts on their first purchase. This is one of the best ways to attract new customers to your business and build trust with them before they become a customer. Once they become a customer, you can study their shopping habits and continue to offer them personalized discounts/coupons to keep them as a permanent customer. 

The eCommerce world might be a competitive one, but you can stand above the rest by keeping these tips in mind. Stop missing out on eCommerce sales and start influencing your audience to do business with your online business.

If you would like some help gaining more exposure to your eCommerce website, contact GreenMellen Media today!

About the Author

Brooke Desmond

Communications Manager
With a passion for all things digital marketing, Brooke aims to give a unique perspective on the latest trends and ideas in this ever-changing space.

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